Rinse tofu and crush them.
Immerse the tangerine peel in water until soft and cut them into pieces.
Wash red dates and cut them into half. Remove away the core. Steam for about 10 minutes. Leave them cool.
Peel off the garlic and grind them.
Whisk the egg.
Wash the green onions and cut them into 2 portions.
Mix up one portion of green onions, garlic, tangerine peel and white pepper with fish paste evenly.
Mix up egg, cornstarch and shredded tofu evenly.
Mix them all together and add 1 tbsp of oil. Mix them again evenly and place them evenly on the dish.
Put the red dates on the top evenly.
Steam for about 10 minutes on high heat and put the portion of green onion on the top. Steam one more minute with a lid . Serve