Put the bean curd in the bowl with 2 tbsp of bean curd chili oil. Then mix it up with sugar evenly.
Boil water in a big pot with high heat. Put the carrots for about 20 seconds for future use.
Put 1 tsp of oil and chinese lettuce in the same pot. Put the lettuce inside the pot for 30 seconds and put them in the dish. Mix 1 tbsp of bean curd chili oil with lettuce for future use.
Put the lamb meat in the same pot until they are cooked for future use. Put them on the other dish.
Add the strips of carrot on the cooked lamb meat. Mix them with the sesame oil and rest of bean curd chili oil evenly.
Put the lamb meat on the top of the lettuce . Serve.
You don’t have to defrost the lamb meat. Put them in the boiling water directly.