Home » Fuzzy Melon with Dried Shrimps and Vermicelli Recipe (節瓜 粉絲 蝦米)

Fuzzy Melon with Dried Shrimps and Vermicelli Recipe (節瓜 粉絲 蝦米)


  • 2 Fuzzy Melon (1023g)
  • 104g (2 bundle) vermicelli
  • 48g dried shrimp
  • 8g dried black fungus
  • 12g ginger
  • 1 tsp white pepper
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 garlic clove


Use a knife to scrape away the hair and skin of the fuzzy melon and cut them into big pieces.

Wash the dried shrimp and immerse them into the freshwater for about 20 minutes. Separate water and dried shrimp into the bowls for future use.

Wash vermicelli and immerse into the freshwater until they become soft. Strain and cut.

Immerse the dried black fungus until they spread out. Cut and remove the hard portion and wash the black fungus.

Wash and flatten the ginger and cut them into strips.

Peel off the garlic and cut it into slices.

Add the dried shrimps on the wok for about 10 seconds (don’t add the oil) with medium heat and then put 1 tbsp oil, the ginger and garlic. Fry them until you start to smell the aromas.

Add the dried black fungus, fuzzy melon and vermicelli, the white pepper, oyster sauce and fry evenly. Put water from dried shrimp and add 2 cups of hot water and stir well. Then put the lid on for about 3 minutes . Put the lid on again for about one minute. When you see fuzzy melon and vermicelli become soft, add sesame oil. Serve.


  • First, fry dried shrimp for about 10 seconds in order to evaporate the water which will block the taste.
  • The water used to immerse the dried shrimp has to be added because all the taste from dried shrimp is inside.

Fuzzy Melon with Dried Shrimp(節瓜 粉絲 蝦米)


  • 1023 g 2 fuzzy melon
  • 104 g 2 bundle vermicelli
  • 48 g dried shrimp
  • 8 g dried black fungus
  • 12 g ginger
  • 1 tsp white pepper
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 garlic clove


  • Use a knife to scrape away the hair and skin of the fuzzy melon and cut them into big pieces.
  • Wash the dried shrimp and immerse them into the freshwater for about 20 minutes. Separate water and dried shrimp into the bowls for future use.
  • Wash vermicelli and immerse into the freshwater until they become soft. Strain and cut.
  • Immerse the dried black fungus until they spread out. Cut and remove the hard portion and wash the black fungus.
  • Wash and flatten the ginger and cut them into strips.
  • Peel off the garlic and cut it into slices.
  • Add the dried shrimps on the wok for about 10 seconds (don’t add the oil) with medium heat and then put 1 tbsp of oil, the ginger and garlic. Fry them until you start to smell the aromas.
  • Add the dried black fungus, fuzzy melon and vermicelli, the white pepper, oyster sauce and fry evenly. Put water from dried shrimp and add 2 cups of hot water and stir well. Then put the lid on for about 3 minutes . Put the lid on again for about one minute. When you see fuzzy melon and vermicelli become soft, add sesame oil. Serve.


  1. First, fry dried shrimp for about 10 seconds in order to evaporate the water which will block the taste. The water used to immerse the dried shrimp has to be added because all the taste from dried shrimp is inside.

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