Happy New Year Everyone ! Hope you all had a wonderful new year celebration! In tradition like last year , here is the list of Chinese New Year Recipes all in one place for you ! If you can’t get enough of these Chinese New Year recipes, here are last year’s Chinese New Year Recipes 2023!

2. Fresh Snow Fungus with Broccoli 新鮮雪耳伴西蘭花(花開富貴 )

3. Chinese New Year Lucky Bags Recipe(福到臨門.袋袋平安)

4. Bean Curd Lamb with Lettuce 腐乳羊肉. 生菜(喜氣洋洋)

5. Turnip Cake Recipe 蘿蔔糕 (步步高升)

6. Steamed Tofu with Fish Paste Recipe (老少平安)

Chinese New Year recipes are usually recipes that have a good name. A name that usually comes as a pun intended to bring in good luck and fortune to their families. Let us know which Chinese new year recipes are your favourite!
Make sure you follow us on instagram @evaswok to be notified once new recipes are released ! New recipes come out every Thursday ! Feel free to tag us and show us your recreations 🙂