Stir Fry Fennel with Scallops Recipe (茴香炒帶子)

In Chinese cultures, stir fry dishes are a staple to our dinner tables. Stir Fry dishes provides a way for us to combine different flavours into one. This Stir Fry Fennel with Scallops Recipe brings in different textures and the…

Sweet and Sour Pork & Hericium Erinaceus Recipe (菠蘿咕嚕肉&猴頭菇)

Every time we get takeout I always order sweet and sour pork knowing that my mom wouldn’t be able to make it herself. However, here she is surprising me again. There’s a twist too ! Sweet and Sour Pork Recipe…

Fried Mussels and Vermicelli with Perilla Leaves (紫蘇葉青口粉絲)

This recipe is definitely a new one ! We had a new found love for perilla leaves after falling in love with Korean BBQ during the pandemic. We now like to do Korean BBQ dinners at home ! We also…

Chestnuts Chicken in Portuguese Sauce ( 葡汁栗子雞 )

Make sure to prepare your rice ! This Chestnuts Chicken in Portuguese Sauce Recipe is definitely something you want served with rice. This dish will make you want more rice in order to eat more of this Portuguese sauce. INGREDIENTS:…

Stir Fry Water Spinach with Sole Garlic (獨子蒜腐乳炒通菜)

Attention all garlic loverssssss. Here’s an amazing yet simple recipe that you will love ! Stir Fry Water Spinach with garlic! Hope you like it ! INGREDIENTS: INSTRUCTIONS: Wash water spinach and separate them into portions by hand. Peel off…

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