Green Radish and Carrot Lean Pork Soup (青紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯)

If you want a refereshing yet warm and healthy soup , try this one ! Green Radish and Carrot Lean Pork Soup should be your next go to soup recipe. INGREDIENTS INSTRUCTIONS Wash, peel and cut the green radish, carrots…

Roasted Pork Bone with Fuzzy Melon Soup …

If you want a fast and easy soup recipe here’s one for you! Make sure to hit up your local asian grocery store to get your ingredients ! Why do us asians love leftovers ? It probably can turn itself…

Prawn with Angelica Soup (當歸蝦湯)

Another healthy recipe this week ! Prawn with Angelic Soup is perfect for the winter weather. This soup is designed to regulate your blood circulation so you can stay warm all winter. If you’re one or you know one who…

Seafood Pumpkin Soup (海鮮南瓜湯)

I know we’re an asian household ,but we love our blended soups. Seafood pumpkin soup is the best during the fall times especially when its close to Halloween season. So here’s our simple halloween recipe. p.s. this pretty much concludes…

Tomato Soup Macaroni and Rice Rolls (特濃蕃茄湯配通粉.腸粉)

This is a very simple and healthy lunch you can make when you feel like eating something tangy. No matter what carb you choose it’s bound to be healthy and delicious. INGREDIENTS: INSTRUCTIONS: Wash both tomatoes and cherry tomatoes and…

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