Home » Arrow Root Pork Soup with Beans Recipe( 粉葛豬骨湯 )

Arrow Root Pork Soup with Beans Recipe( 粉葛豬骨湯 )


  • 1 arrow root (1070g)
  • 822g pork bones
  • 120g aduki beans
  • 120g  fried flat bean
  • 15g  apricot kernel (south)
  • 5 g apricot kernel (north)
  • 3 dried dates
  • 3 slices of tangerine peel
  • 6 L water


Remove the skin of the kudzu and cut into the thin slices.

For cleaning up the pork bones, boil pork bones in the water pot. Turn into medium heat for 5 minutes after boiling. Remove the water and rinse the pork bones.

Submerged tangerine peel for about 10 minutes and remove seeds.

Clean up with water for aduki beans, fried flat beans, dried dates, apricot kernel (south) and apricot kennel (north).

Boil 6 L of water in a big pot on high heat. After boiling, put all the ingredients into the pot. After boiling again, keep on high heat for about 15 minutes then turn on low heat for about 2 hours. Serve


  • The arrow root oxidizes easily, therefore cut it right before you need it

Arrow Root Pork Soup with beans ( 粉葛豬骨湯 )


  • 1 arrow root 1070g
  • 822 g pork bones
  • 120 g aduki beans
  • 120 g fried flat bean
  • 15 g apricot kernel south
  • 5 g apricot kernel north
  • 3 dried dates
  • 3 slices of tangerine peel
  • 6 L water


  • Remove the skin of the kudzu and cut into the thin slices.
  • For cleaning up the pork bones, boil pork bones in the water pot. Turn into medium heat for 5 minutes after boiling. Remove the water and rinse the pork bones.
  • Submerged tangerine peel for about 10 minutes and remove seeds.
  • Clean up with water for aduki beans, fried flat beans, dried dates, apricot kernel (south) and apricot kennel (north).
  • Boil 6 L of water in a big pot on high heat. After boiling, put all the ingredients into the pot. After boiling again, keep on high heat for about 15 minutes then turn on low heat for about 2 hours. Serve


  • The arrow root oxidizes easily, therefore cut it right before you need it

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